Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fall Decor

 FALL is here and I am SO excited! I love fall. I love the weather, football, and most of all fall decor! I'm not talking all pumpkins & leaves. I'm talking COLORS and prints! Summer I enjoyed my blues and grays but I decided after watching continuous shows on HGTV that I wanted pops of MUSTARD YELLOW in my home. 
Redecorating is hard and can be costly believe me but if you can incorporate some new things with what you already have its not that bad! I also searched for the best deals! Took a solid month to get everything I wanted. Originally my place had blues & grays. I somehow incorporated mustard yellow in there. I know it's hard to envision that but it actually worked! Here are some of the decorations I bought!


I created this centerpiece myself. A lot of this came from Michaels. I am really happy how it came together!

Ordering prints has been one of my favorite things for a while! I think it's a great way to add some decor to your house. I order mine through Home, James. You just order the print you want, comes on nice card stock paper and I just go out and get a nice frame to put them in! 


 Bought these candle holders from Target.. only $5.00 in the bins up front!

Pillow Covers! Cheaper than buying throw pillows for sure! 
Both ordered off Amazon!


Small glass pumpkins.. came from Dollar Tree! 
Vase was found in TJ Maxx clearance section!

I found this weathered shutter from Michael's. No lie I paid 5.00 for it! It was 80% off.
I found the letters for 1.00 each- super glued them on and done! Inexpensive yet so cute! 


Wood Flowers
made by yours truly! A class I did at Hammer & Stain!

Coasters are from Dollar Tree! So cute they are tile!