Monday, April 27, 2020

NuSkin Insta Glow

NuSkin Insta Glow 🌞

One of my friends on Facebook, Renee Perkins sells Nuskin products and I saw her post about this self tanner and just had to try it! I am a sucker for a nice tan! I have tried alot of self tanners in my day and I have to say I do really like this one! It doesn't give you an overwhelming amount of color it gives you a nice natural tan. I tested it on my legs first and liked what I saw so I did my whole body and it looks great! It didn't streak at all and my hands didn't turn brown after application, it washed off just fine without leaving leftover tanner on my hands. It does smell like self tanner but the odor is very low. You get instant color but over time it does get darker, then after your shower it evens out. This CAN be used on your face but mine has been whacky lately so I decided not to try that at this time, but I plan to.. I think I may mix it in with my moisturizer! What a good time to test it out too while being in quarantine! 

Left is before application. Right is right after application 

Here is the before application. Then after a shower 

I was glad I bought this product when I did. Your probably thinking what's the point of doing that right now when your stuck inside! well...I wanted to test this out before we went back into the real world for one, and two who doesn't get instantly happy with a nice tan?? Right now it was just what I needed and made me more excited for summer! Renee does an excellent job posting on the products she sells including this one I tagged her in this post so you will be able to navigate your way to her to BUY THIS!