Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Crazy times!

How is everyone doing during this crazy time? I hope you are all safe and staying home as much as you can! I am..the only place I will go is the grocery store when needed and now that is leaving me feeling anxious when I do go. I used to not mind going to the store but now watching everyone walk around with gloves and masks is very unsettling to me.  I am careful of course but I have bought enough food to last so I am not going a lot. CRAZY to think this is the new normal right now!!

 I am still working and remotely. So my days consist of sitting in my kitchen with my laptop and monitor. Thankfully I have some funny coworkers to video chat with! Derrick set up his stuff upstairs so we have some separate work spaces. I try to take my hour break to step away. When the weather is nice I will go outside or I will go for a drive to clear my head a bit. 

I am A SOLID 7 right now lol
This week I really started to feel not normal and stir crazy! I’m not complaining because we are safer at home but it’s totally been an adjustment for me because I am not a home body. I enjoy going out for dinner and drinks and popping into TJ Maxx!!! Man I miss that place! I miss seeing my friends and hanging out having fun! Derricks fun but I miss my people! 😂

I did recently purchase an adult coloring book! I’ve been loving that a lot!

I am getting really sick of TV even though I've watched some series and movies but there's only so much you can watch. The other night I was thinking of other things I can do to keep myself busy....

Here's what I came up with 

💡Keep checking in with family and friends

💡Catch up with someone I haven't spoken to in a while - so if you get a random text from me you know why!! 😂
💡Compliment more people and make them feel good
💡Be better about cleaning
💡Read a few books - to love and to let go I’m almost done with and it’s really good! I think I am going to buy the Jessica Simpson book next! 
💡Less news, more music - we turned on YouTube Saturday night and listened to music from early 2000s! We had a lot of fun doing that and told each other funny stories from our past all night  
💡Teach myself something new (not sure what yet)
💡Try to come up with new things to cook that are healthy - I tried a family recipe I got from my Jamaican side! It was good! 
💡Support local businesses as best I can - I recently left my flower face on my doorstep and Flouish Events and Design came and filled it! I’ve done it 2x so far! 
💡Do at home workouts daily 
💡Get rid of some clothes- if you need anything let me know!! 
💡Remain positive- hard when things keep getting worse and worse!
💡Redecorate my place with stuff I already have! (Which is a lot) 
💡Start thinking about what I want to do for a wedding LOL 

I would love to hear from you about what your doing! Any suggestions for me?

My coloring piece! 

Flowers from Flourish 

Whipped Coffee! So good!