Monday, August 19, 2019

Respect Your Life

Friendships and Relationships are very important to me… I lost my best friend in the whole world to breast cancer last August. It changed me a bit. After losing Kate I take my friendships and relationships VERY SERIOUSLYI think a lot about the people I let come into my life and who I let stay in… Kate was a strong woman and had a strong influence on the person I am today. She is irreplaceable and she was the only person who really understood me, listened to me, and guided me through tough times. 14 years of friendship and we didn’t get into one fight! It was a beautiful friendship that I will cherish forever! πŸ’•
I’ve had toxic friendships and relationships I refused to stop because I didn’t want to deal with it. I forgot what the actual meaning of what friendship really was and forgot the meaning of LOVE. I've had many sessions in therapy to get the stress off my chest, and to get a opinion from an outsider, I've dealt with negativity because I was so use to it and  I've dealt with childish and disgusting behaviors.When it's more of a headache to continue on with a friendship or relationship- Something needs to change. Each time I distrusted someone I was told I was wrong or there was an excuse for their actions that I truly believed, or just simply didn’t want to accept the reality! 


I always try and see the good in people, but I had failed myself ignoring the feelings I truly had deep down, till it blew up right in my face! I’ve let relationships and friendships go on for farrrrr too long. I got myself into situations I didn’t want to be in, and I put too much trust into the wrong people. You get to a point where you know you need to end it IMMEDIATELY
People change, and friendships can end because of different paths that were taken in life its not ALWAYS a negative thing. I've also learned you can't force them either. Everyone has different things going on in their lives but if they are a true friend they will make time for you!  

Today, I am dating an amazing person. He’s perfect for me, we share such an amazing life together. I can't wait for what the future brings for us. 
**Ariana Grande voice** I'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex πŸ˜‰ 
I also have really amazing friends in my life, I can’t say Kate was the only person because my other girls are too! Each of my friends have something SO special about them that I admire, today I can trust all of my friends, and I can honestly say I can count on every single one of them anytime of the day or night. A Lot of people can't say they have that and I am BLESSED that I do.
I have been through a lot in my life. More than your average 31 year old woman - I HATE to think about everything but that's what makes me strong- I refuse to let things defeat me - sure I have my moments.. who doesn't?!  I want what’s best for myself. No matter what age you are - you should put yourself first. No more wasting time on people or situations that are too stressful and don't matter. Really think about the people you let into your life and who you let STAY in your life. 
I stay strong for Kate... 

Kate Fox 3/4/1987- 8/22/2018

nocolon said...

A great post Kara. I know I’m certainly happy to call you a friend, and so glad you’ve found so much happiness.